Tuesday, February 5, 2013

How Tax Exempt Foundations Have Destroyed the United States... by Mark Arnold

          As a kid growing up in the mid 1960’s the dinner table was the time and place that my dad often chose to deliver his talks on the lessons of life to his children. In getting these lessons across he had his work cut out for him as there were six of us kids, of which I was the second oldest. Often these lessons would start off in one direction and then drift into the subject of politics. My other siblings would scurry off for the most part but I would often sit through his talks, taking in what he had to say. As I listened to him it became clear to me that he was very upset at the direction our country was taking. Keep in mind that this was in the mid ‘60s, the Vietnam War was getting going for real and most Americans were very patriotic and anti-communist, meaning they supported the war and saw the need to stop Ho Chi Minh and his minions in their tracks, lest South Vietnam fall to the Reds from the North. The fear was that this would lead to the rest of the countries in South East Asia, and inevitably the world, falling to the communists. This idea was called “the domino theory” for obvious reasons; push one and they all go. My dad was no different than most Americans at the time and had pretty much bought into the anti-communist, domino theory principle. That much I had taken from his talks.

          Occasionally, though, my dad would become pensive and would say to me that he just didn’t understand why things on the world scene and even here at home just seemed to keep going against our country and its ideals, the ones he believed in and had laid his life on the line in World War II to defend. I could see that he tended to view the Vietnam War the same way that he viewed our country’s role in WW II, and that his view of our country had been molded during that same, simpler time. He held strong to these patriotic views, and yet, during these thoughtful moments it was clear that he sensed something was wrong. I can still hear him saying to me with regard to whatever situation he was decrying…

          “Son, what is happening (to our nation) just can’t be an accident. If it was accidental things would go our way at least half the time, but they don’t.”

          I never forgot what my dad told me, but many years would go by before I realized that he was on to something when he said that. My dad’s thoughtful observation was my unknowing introduction to “conspiracy theory” when it comes to the subject of the decline of our nation. For that reason I am dedicating this particular article to my dad, David Arnold. That seed of inquiry he planted all those years ago around the dinner table has borne some fruit.

          The puzzle of the decline of the United States of America, which we are now witnessing at an unprecedented rate, has a number of facets to it. A large part of it is economic, as the country has bought into and employed false economic doctrines from sources antipathetic to the ideals our nation was founded upon as embodied in the Constitution and other founding documents. I include here such things as income tax, the Federal Reserve System of debt-money creation and the welfare state. Part of it stems from the destruction of morality and the systematic elimination of religion as a central aspect of our lives, largely due to the introduction of false ideas from psychologists and later psychiatrists that man is an animal and has no spiritual aspect. There is another facet, though, that has been as insidious as any other and that is the role played by the large tax exempt foundations. In stating this I am referring to groups such as the Rockefeller Foundation, the Guggenheim Foundation, the Ford Foundation and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Under the guise of charity, good works and philanthropy, these foundations have, since their formation, been operating in such a way as to condition the US and Americans to accept the concept of a one world government that, in effect, would be a socialist oligarchy. Solid evidence of this exists and to illustrate this I am relaying to you here the experience of a man who had the task and opportunity of investigating these foundations first hand. I give to you the story of Congressional investigator Norman Dodd.

          In 1953 Congress formed the Congressional Special Committee to Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations. The Special Committee was being run by a congressman from Tennessee named B. Carroll Reece and so was otherwise known as the Reece Committee. As director of this investigation for the Committee Carroll selected a man named Norman Dodd. Dodd was Yale educated and had career history in banking and manufacturing as well a financial advising. A short story about Dodd speaks volumes about his integrity as well as his knowledge of the banking industry. In 1929 Dodd was working for what he describes as a “Morgan” bank in New York. Shortly after the crash of 1929 and while the banking panic was still going he was approached by other officers of the bank who wanted to know from him what they (the bank) should now do to handle the panic. Dodd simply told them that they should take this disaster as evidence that there was something they did not know about banking and to get busy and find out what that was and once they did to then act accordingly. Four days later the bank assigned that task to Dodd himself to carry out. He was relieved of his other duties and for two plus years carried out his investigation and when done reported his recommendations to the bank. In sum Dodd’s recommendations stated that the banks should return to sound banking principles and cease their speculative activities to which the bank officers told him basically that due to the introduction of what were termed “conflicting interests” in this country there will never again be sound banking practices in the United States. According to Dodd this was stated to him by one of the senior officers of the Morgan bank in New York, a man who was one of the top bankers in the country.

          Needless to say Dodd was shocked by the statement, coming as it did from a man of that stature. After considering this for a while Dodd realized he could no longer work in the bank and tendered his resignation, at which time he was told that the bank had reconsidered and now wanted to implement his recommendations. At the same time he was promised an eventual Vice President position, nice salary and good pension. Dodd agreed to stay but eventually realized the bank had no intention of implementing his recommendations, that the salary, pension and position were just to buy him off and so he did actually resign from the bank. Upon trying to get hired in other banks Dodd found that he had essentially been blacklisted by the banking industry, could not get a job in a bank anywhere despite impeccable credentials and so had to change careers. The integrity Norman Dodd displayed with the Morgan bank experience provides a clue to the man Representative Reece selected to head the Reece Committee in 1953.

           The Committee’s and Dodd’s mandate was to investigate the tax exempt foundations to determine if they were involved in “un-American” activities. Unfortunately Congress did not define what was meant by “un-American”. Dodd resolved this problem by defining “un-American” as a “determination to effect changes in the country by unconstitutional means”. Dodd reasoned that there were means provided in the Constitution for altering or amending our government or laws and that these should be used by anyone attempting this. Clearing up what was meant by “un-American” gave focus to Dodd’s investigation so he knew exactly what he was looking for.

          Dodd carried out his investigation and filed his report which basically stated that the effect of these large endowed foundations had been to orient our educational system away from support of the principles contained in the Declaration of Independence and implemented in the Constitution. He concluded that these foundations actually were trying to gain control over the content of American education.
Norman Dodd

          A couple of examples serve to illustrate what Dodd had discovered. One of the foundations Dodd investigated was the Ford Foundation. Upon hearing of Dodd’s investigation for the Congressional Committee the chairman of the Ford Foundation, Rowan Gaither invited Dodd to New York to visit. When Dodd got there Gaither asked him why Congress was interested in the activities of the foundations. Without waiting for Dodd to say a thing Gaither went on to make an “off the record” statement that the Ford Foundation operates according to certain directives and that the substance of these directives was to use their grant making power so as to alter life in the United States so that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union. Dodd practically fell off his chair. Here was the President of the Ford Foundation in 1954, admitting without prompting, that they were working to merge the US and Soviet Union. Recovering from his surprise, Dodd pointed out to Gaither that the U.S. government was spending $150,000 of tax payer money to find out what Gaither had just said and that since the Ford foundation was enjoying tax exempt status perhaps he should tell the American people what the foundation was up to. Gaither responded by saying no, the Ford foundation would not do that.

          Dodd then went on to investigate the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Dr. Joseph Johnson, president of the Endowment, actually turned over the records and minutes of the Endowment to Dodd’s researchers starting with the first meeting of trustees in the year the endowment was formed, 1908. According to these records the initial question considered by the trustees was “Is there any means more effective than war, assuming you wish to alter the life of an entire people?” They concluded that there was not. The next question raised by the trustees of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, according to their own records, was “How do we involve the United States in a war?” That question was answered with “We must control the State Department.” And in order to do that they resolve:  “We must take over and control the diplomatic machinery of the country.” So that becomes their objective, according to their own records. And by 1917 the U.S. is drawn into World War I. 

          Finally the war ends. And now the interest of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace shifts to preventing what they call a reversion to the way life in the U.S. was before the war. In order to do this they concluded that “we must control education in the United States.” Now this is a big task even for the Carnegie Endowment to tackle. So they team up with the Rockefeller Foundation and decide that the portion of education considered domestic will be handled by the Rockefeller Foundation and the portion considered international will be handled by the Endowment. They then determine that the key to the success of the above project lay in the alteration of the teaching of American history. To affect this they approach four of the most prominent teachers of American history in the country for that time period. They ask these teachers if they will alter the way in which they present American history. To this suggestion the teachers issued a resounding “no!” So the trustees of the Rockefeller foundation and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace decide to “build our own stable of historians.” To do this they approach the Guggenheim Foundation, which specializes in fellowships, and work out an arrangement for their handpicked doctoral candidates in the field of American history to be given fellowships based on the recommendation of the Endowment. Using this mechanism the Endowment eventually gathers twenty potential teachers of American history and takes them to London, England to be briefed on what is expected of them.

          That group of twenty historians ultimately becomes the core group of the American Historical Association. Toward the end of the 1920s the Endowment grants the American Historical Association $400,000 for a study of our history with an eye towards what this country can look forward to in the future. This action culminates in a seven volume study with the last volume being a summary of the first six and in which it is predicted that the future of the United States belongs to collectivism (Socialism), though administered with characteristic American efficiency.

          Norman Dodd is long dead now, but in his research into the records of these tax exempt foundations, while operating as director for a Congressional committee, he had come across direct evidence of the ongoing conspiracy the U.S was and is being subjected to and he did his best to inform us. Perhaps it is now a bit clearer just how it is that the United States is being subverted as a free nation. If enough citizens get informed fast enough and confront the situation there is still time to do something about it.

          For myself I will do all I can. I owe it to my dad.

Copyright © 2013
By Mark Arnold
All Rights Reserved


  1. Chilling, provocative and demanding of a high level of confront and action!

    Well written Mark!

  2. Thanks Steve! Share it with anyone you feel needs the data. L Mark
