Sunday, January 27, 2013

From a Native Son....Announcing a new Mark Arnold

Hello Friends!

         With this message I am launching a new blog for the purpose of communicating my views on the various political and social issues of our times. The blog is entitled “Mark Arnold: From a Native Son…” and has the additional purpose of generating dialogue from readers and raising awareness in the direction of solutions to the problems affecting our nation today. With that in mind I look forward to your response to anything that I publish using this line. There is a great deal going on in our society right now and I find myself with much to say about it. You probably do too. My original blog “Mark Arnold: Views from the edge…” has become largely a sports blog and from this point forward will be dedicated to sports only.

         Thank you for being there, for reading and for being aware. The legendary Chinese curse seems to have come to pass; for these are, indeed, interesting times…MA


  1. Looking forward to your articles and to learn what the legendary Chinese curse is.

  2. Hi Steve! The legendary Chinese curse is "may you live in interesting times" or some variation of that statement . In this use "interesting" means not the boring or complacent life of someone with wealth and no challenges in life and thus is used in the negative with the word "curse". (in reality was probably not a chinese curse at all but was attributed to them because it sounded like something Confucious would say) L Mark
